Waffles at Corbet’s Cabin. For some, it’s the sole reason to ride the tram and for others, it’s fuel to power a day of skiing or riding. Corbet’s Cabin is a staple at JHMR  and the little shack at 10,450 feet is battered in history. Skis and snowboards nailed to the outside walls remind us of how the sport has changed over the generations and who we’ve lost in the mountains. 

On any given day, Corbet’s is packed to capacity with waffle crazed guest and locals looking to get their fix. As you open the doors to the cabin the smell of waffles hits you in the face harder than the crisp air during a February blizzard. For those who frequent Corbet’s Cabin, the choice of what flavor to order is second nature. On the other hand, first-timers struggle to make a perfect pick before they reach the counter.

Will it be the Gateway with peanut butter and bacon or a Traditional coated with butter and brown sugar or any other of the classic flavors. No matter the choice, one thing is guaranteed, a waffle from Corbet’s Cabin will be the best waffle you’ve ever had above 10,000 feet. 

Follow @corbetscabin on Instagram to get your daily waffle fix.