Growing up watching TGR films would have any child dreaming of skiing deep pow and steep lines. When I was 12 or 13 my dad blindly bought me the DVD ‘The Big One’ (a TGR film showcasing the history of freeskiing in the Tetons) as a birthday present from the local board store. At the time I’d never heard of Jackson Hole or the Teton’s, but by movies end, it was in bold letters at the top of my list.

I came here for the first time in February 2015, after chasing winters to Canada, Europe, and Japan. I wanted to wait until I was 21 to visit the US, I believe you can only truly experience a ski town by indulging in the local social scene a little. However, in the 2 months I visited in 2015 there were only two pow days, not quite the Jackson Hole I had dreamt of. What bought me back though, was the energy of the mountain community that call this place home. The people who gravitate to Jackson have an infectious motivation to live outdoors and desire to seek enjoyment in the little things in life. Success in life flows from happiness and this town truly has that worked out.

To make it work living out here in the winters I work and study full time for the 8 months I am back in Australia to afford the time off in Jackson over winter, however, I’ve found that I am no spark in the sky and this is a common story amongst the people of Jackson. Whether it be commercial fishing, turning tables in local restaurants or tying fly’s to make a living, everyone here seems to share a similar goal of chasing fun at every opportunity. There’s something unique about a town that is collectively motivated to make the most of every day, something that not only motivates me to ski, but also to chase all the goals I have ever dreamt of. I leave winter in Jackson each year with a new lease on life, and I’ll do everything I can to visit this place for the rest of my life. 

Follow Coen and his skiing on his Instagram page HERE