Updated (Tuesday, August 6th 4:00 PM) – 
We’ve got less than a month remaining in our Trail Starts Here Challenge for Summer 2019 and race for raffle prizes and the elusive season pass is close! Locals and guests from all over have participated in the #trailstartshere and more recently the Rendezvous Mountain Hillclimb.If you have aspirations to get your big hikes in from Teton Village, whether its an overnight to Marion Lake or along the Teton Crest Trail or just a day hike from Teton Pass to the Tram, now is your chance as the snow has completely melted out around JHMR.

Thank you for being a steward to our trail system here in Teton Village and we hope to see everyone out on the trails before the snowfalls. See below for current results of the #trailstartshere as of August 4th.

Place   Distance
1 Lorene Bagley 121.83
2 Kris Lunning 87.78
3 Tom Bruno 70.94
4 Tristan Kolb 53.39
5 Scott Madeux 49.78
6 Seth Malley 46.58
7 Alex Lemieux 41.43
8 Craig Benjamin 39.05
9 Ned Wonson 37.4
10 J.d. Reus 35.62
11 DJ 30.12
12 Jared Lemiux 27.9
13 Chris Denny 25.45
14 Kimberly Hindman 20.9
15 Megan Peterson 20.887
16 Nicola Dechamps 20.23
17 Scott Comeau 18.54
18 Diego Lopez 18.31
19 m king 17.46
20 Matt Chorney 15.06
21 Mitch Springer 14.23
22 Brad Yates 13.06
23 Skye Schell 12.43
24 G Finnegan 10.81
25 Monika Ziehl 9.52
26 Carl Osterberg 8.59
27 Katie Mills 8.19
28 Stephen Mulherin 7.54
29 Elisabet Lucas 6.9
30 Kelly Duerr 6.01
31 David Strawser 6
32 Damir Akhmadiyev 5.98
33 monica purington 5.02
34 Alex Drees 3.96
35 Terrence Johnson 3.59
36 Jeff Wilcox 2
37 Elaine Yeung 1.05



We’re about one month into our #trailstartshere challenge for Summer 2019 and it has been a pleasure to see so many faces on the trails out here in Teton Village! From locals getting out for an afternoon on the Wildflower Trail to tourists cruising the Cirque Trail between the Gondola and Tram, it’s remarkable how developed and utilized the trail system in Teton Village has become. And with good reason, this morning we got out and took a peek at the conditions of the Cirque Trail and can report very little remaining snow with ‘safe passage’ between the lifts.

Wildflowers are aplenty on the Cirque Trail!

As part of the Trail Starts Here Challenge, we utilized our Strava app and tracked our hike. Why not win prizes and get rewarded for getting on the trails in Teton Village? Everyone can appreciate a good raffle victory! A reminder that the individual who tracks the most mileage in Teton Village hiking or trail running will win a GRAND PASS for Winter 19/20.* 

Grand views from the Cirque Trail, with very little remaining snow.

Those that have already joined or would like to join the “JHMR Trail Starts Here Challenge 2019” club on Strava and have put in some miles, take a look below for our first leaderboard update. Please note that these distances are as of July 15th. * A reminder that to participate in the Strava club and be eligible to win prizes for the Trail Starts Here Challenge, individuals must have a ‘public’ profile on Strava, otherwise, we are not able to track runs/hikes. 

One more reminder, if you have questions about trail status or are looking for anything trail running or hiking related, swing by Teton Village Sports in Teton Village. They can take care of anything from shoes and orthotics to hydration packs and breathable clothing.

Good luck to all and we hope to see you on the trails between now and September 1st!


Ranked by distance

Name Distance   Elevation
1 Lorene Bagley 60.83 13212
2 Tom Bruno 45.31 11586
3 Seth Malley 40.73 11250
4 Tristan Kolb 37.16 10272
5 Kris Lunning 32.37 16779
6 Scott Madeux 27.08 13305
7 Chris Denny 25.45 12437
8 Jared Lemieux 21.05 12842
9 Nicola Deschamps 20.23 9220
10 Ned Wonson 17.31 4081
11 Alex Lemieux 14.96 8627
12 Brain Daly 13.75 4590
13 Sky Schell 12.43 4177
14 J.d. Reus 12.39 2226
15 m king 12.18 4565
16 Megan Peterson 11.32 5125
17 Kimberly Hindman 11.26 4296
18 Monika Ziehl 9.52 3392
19 Mitch Springer 8.6 3556
20 Carl Osterberg 8.59 3053
21 Katie Mills 8.19 5413
22 Stephen Mulherin 7.54 348
23 Brad Yates 6.03 4262
24 Damir Akhmadiyev 5.98 997
25 Monica Purington 5.02 978
26 G Finnegan 5.02 512
27 Alex Drees 3.96 3975
28 Terrence Johnson 3.59 2740
29 Diego Lopez 2.25 271
30 Elaine Yeung 1.05 20




The Tram oversees the Cirque Trail in Tensleep Bowl.