Winter 2022/23 will live in infamy. The overarching accolade is the deepest winter ever recorded in Rendezvous Bowl, culminating with 595" of snowfall. Distilled, the whole is only as valuable as the sum of its parts; photographer Stephen Shelesky's images chronicle the unrelenting winter and help tell a legendary story, moment by moment. His pictures leave us with a lasting impression about this unforgettably snowy season and how we reached such rare air.

In Stephen's words, "Wyoming is inherently wild and its weather unpredictable, so I’ve found it’s best to lean in rather than resist. With such abundant snowfall, we were awarded a transformed mountain: lines that rarely go were skiable, ususally-imposing cliffs were rendered non-existent, and previously off-limits features became approachable. Although picturesque bluebird powder days were fleeting amidst the onslaught of fresh snow, it made capturing those days that much more exciting and reliving them even more savory. This season was one for the books!" 

Enjoy Stephen's best from this winter below.