UPDATE – Tuesday, 2/5/19 @ 1 pm – And the fresh continues to fall! Locals and visitors alike arose Tuesday morning to potentially the best snow report of the season as 24″ had fallen in the last 24 hours. Add that with Monday’s total and we’re looking at 3′ in 48 hours. Today those on the hill experienced leaving their mark on a completely fresh canvas for the 3rd day in a row. The mountain is in the best shape of the season and seems to quickly be going from ‘low tide’ to ‘high tide’ as discussed on chairlifts throughout the morning. 

Max Martin tests the deep under Thunder on Tuesday.

Rachel Burks does a disappearing act off Sublette on Tuesday morning.

Snow continues to fall in Teton Village as this is written and it is truly amazing to see how two storm systems can transform a mountain. Jackson Hole is hitting its stride at just the right time or as Jeff Leger put it in the snow report this morning: “You might go insane, but you’ll feel no pain when the cold smoking vapors permeate your brain.” 

The title says it all. February arrived merely 4 days ago and has brought quite the storm in tow. Friday was the calm before the storm. Saturday, you could feel the storm arriving. Super Bowl Sunday turned into a small scale powder party and this morning, Monday, it was officially game ‘on.’ As of this moment, 3 p.m. Monday afternoon, we’ve seen over 30″ of fresh snow from this storm cycle and the mountain has transformed into the classic ‘Teton Snow Globe’ as described by snow reporter and local ‘lege-nd’ Jeff Leger. There were moments of glory across our snow globe, formerly known as Rendezvous Mountain this morning and particularly a lot of hooting and hollering from a group on Pepi’s Ridge about 30 minutes after the opening bell rang! If that was your crew, awesome job keeping the stoke alive and send over your GoPro footage! 

Tim Gibbons enters the white room.

Maxine Maroun figuring out what ‘waist deep’ is all about.

For those unable to join us thus far in February, fret not. Forecasters are calling for continued snowfall throughout the week with potential for an additional foot or two of fresh by Thursday. Clearing skies will arrive late Thursday or early Friday, although it appears our chance to see the sun will be shortlived as another system arrives over the weekend. As we look to next week, it’s impossible not to mention one of our favorite events is upcoming, the second rendition of the Kings and Queens of Corbet’s! The weather window for the event officially begins Sunday and runs until the following Saturday. In Lehman’s terms, when the conditions are best next week and we’ve got visibility to ensure safety for all participants, it’ll be time to rock and roll! Stay tuned to jacksonhole.com and JHMR’s social media channels for updates. Scroll down to see last years highlight reel from the inaugural Kings and Queens of Corbet’s.

Jess McMillan enjoys the best feeling in skiing.

Sam Schwartz enjoys Sunday’s powder party.

As a parting reminder, please remember that when Mother Nature does grace us with this type of precipitation, Jackson Hole Ski Patrol and operations put it all on the line for us. So next time, after skiing or riding your best lines of the year, make sure to say ‘thanks’ to the liftie bumping your chair or to those wearing the JHSP garb, because without them, none of this is possible. Stay safe on the hill and enjoy the fresh!